Protective Coating On Shore

Protective Coating

We Provide high technology of protective coatings that not only helps prevent corrosion but also make the cleaning process of steel facilities much easier.

Our Prevention technology contributes to society by protecting all steel structures such as large plants for natural resource development, storage tanks, ships, sea-going containers, bridges, pipelines and port facilities.


Bridges have a tremendous positive impact on our civilization in helping mobilizations. Its safety has always been the first priority for manufacturers and users.

Our company helps to achieve those safety standards by providing professional corrosive coating works from steel preparation (sand blasting), primer coating and top coating with the support of undoubtedly excellent and trusted KANSAI PAINT COATING technology.

Storage Tank

We provide protective coating solutions for industrial storage tanks by using Kansai Paint's advanced technology (PU based epoxy and newly invented ceramic coating epoxy).

Our services give excellent protection for metal, steel or other tank surfaces from corrosion, degradation and internal chemical reaction.
Pipelines operate in some of the most severe environmental conditions, to slow down the decrease in strength and function of a pipeline, therefore it is necessary to protect by protective coatings.

We provide protective coating work to give extra protection to the surface of concrete, iron or steel which has the function of avoiding direct contact with air, liquids, harsh chemical substances and other substances that can cause corrosion. Protective coating not only prevents water penetration but also has the function of preventing damage to concrete, pipes or steel.

Industrial Machinery

Machinery painting is a variety of industrial coating service that enhances the performance of your new equipment by applying special coatings optimized for its substrates. Machinery Painting Protects Against the Factors That Can Lead to Early Equipment Failure.

With help from an expert team of our professional painting contractors, you can maximize your performance along seven key dimensions that keep your equipment in top condition: Weather Resistance, Thermal Protection, Extended Lifespan, Higher Productivity, Less Costly Maintenance, Superior Resale Value, Aesthetic Appeal.